Title: Perfection
Series: Blue Moon Saloon 0.5 prequel
Author: Anna Lowe
Published: April 18, 2016
My Rating: 4.5 stars
Source: Borrowed with Kindle Unlimited
Cover Description:
A sexy bear, a stubborn she-wolf, and a very cozy den.
It’s a stormy winter’s night in the mountains, and she-wolf Jessica Macks is desperate to find shelter. So desperate, she’ll even settle for an unoccupied bear den, despite all the warnings she’s heard about her pack’s mysterious neighbors.
It doesn’t take long before unwanted company in the form of bear shifter Simon Voss comes lumbering in. The two can let out their claws and fight, or they can lower their defenses and keep each other warm. But the instinct to survive isn’t the only force at work in that cozy den — destiny is, too. Before Jessica and Simon know it, they’re cuddled together in human form and letting warm heat move right over to hot as they give in to temptation for the very first time.
Shifters are sexual creatures who being so close to their animal side will never, ever pass up a chance to physically show their mates how much they are treasured – so, this is an adult, 18+ reader tale.
Read on for my thoughts on Perfection.
Perfection sets up the events that lead to the rest of the series. While it is an extremely short story, without reading this one first (in my opinion) you will not get the full depth or understanding of the events that start off Damnation the first story in the Blue Moon Saloon series.
It’s wintertime and Jessica has given in to her wolf’s desire to run free through the snow covered forests near home. She’s traveled quite a distance when the beautiful scenery turns deadly with the arrival of a blizzard like snowfall. Knowing she cannot make it safely home, she searches for shelter and finds what smells like a bear’s abandoned den – at least she hopes it’s abandoned, but the elements are against her searching for somewhere else so she’ll take the chance.
Simon has returned to the cave he’s been using to discover a she-wolf in residence. Wolf shifters and bear shifters have kept their distance from each other in this area, preferring to stick to their own. Yet when it comes down to sharing the cave or risking death in the raging storm outside, Jessica and Simon will sheath their claws – for now.
Fate is not always logical. When this couple tries to survive the elements outside, in this small cave they are realizing that they have met their mate. It makes no sense because there should be no intermingling of shifters, but they cannot deny what their hearts and their animals know for certain.
For this brief interlude they will put aside all doubts and celebrate finding their one true fated mate… and let the rest of the complication be dealt with another day.
Perfection is an extremely short prequel that sets up part of the events that will follow in the series. It is hot and sexy – there is no denying that Jessica and Simon belong together. And the heat in the cave certainly counters the weather outside of it. I enjoyed this one and I also feel strongly that if you are going to follow the Blue Moon Saloon series that you need this background story to fully appreciate the events and the feelings that will follow this couple into Damnation.
Available for the Kindle