Title: Celebration
Series: Blue Moon Saloon – Christmas gathering
Author: Anna Lowe
Published: December 2, 2016
My Rating: 5 stars
Source: Kindle Unlimited
Cover Description:
It’s been a long, hard couple of months, but the bear and wolf shifters of the Blue Moon Saloon are ready to celebrate their hard-won peace with a few days off.
While some couples use the time to relax with breakfast in bed, others head out for small, intimate adventures in the desert Southwest.
A few are still busy stuffing stockings and wrapping presents for little Teddy, the youngest member of the growing new clan. But Teddy won’t be the only Blue Moon baby for long, because Santa has a very special surprise in store — not just for the extended Blue Moon family, but for the wolves of Twin Moon Ranch, too!
Sexy shifters and their feisty mates who aren’t shy about loving each other – so, this is an adult, 18+ reader tale.
Titles in this series include: Damnation – Temptation – Redemption – Salvation
I love when authors give us a purely for the fans, readers Christmas story gift. I always see these holiday season stories as gifts from an author’s heart. Maybe I’m just too full of eggnog, but I like to think of them that way.
Celebration is a Christmas gathering of glimpses into all the couples from the Blue Moon Saloon series. A few delightful surprises tossed in, but what’s a Christmas celebration without surprises?
I enjoyed catching up just a bit with Jess and Simon, Janna and Cole, Sarah and Soren, As well as Anna and Todd along with Ben and Fay, even if they are far away from the others, in the heart the bonds are still strong. Family is family no matter where they are in the world.
Celebration really is just that… a celebration of the quiet times, family and spending the holiday with loved ones. Two of our couples will get some wonderful gifts in the coming months… and we have another story to look forward to in January 2017. All told, Celebration is a lovely Christmas story, lighthearted and full of hope for our war weary shifters. Thank you to Anna Lowe for this Christmas gift.
Available for the Kindle