Life has just gotten so hectic and chaotic lately. It’s been a rough couple of years for all of us. And, truthfully, my reading has gone off track as well. Oh, I still lose myself in a book but I’m way behind on reviewing those read books… so I’m kinda hanging my head in shame here, but being honest as well.
I had thought about just jumping into the current series for some authors – and for some that don’t connect I probably will, but so many stories in the Shifter Romance world have connections in some way (big or small) to the previous series. So, when I can I’ll dive into the current releases, but I’ll also hold true to myself and review in order which will mean for some that I’m about a year behind. Life happened, it’s that simple.
Now I know that this is never expected to be acknowledged, that I should simply pretend that I didn’t get lost in the maze of the pandemic, the personal issues that have happened in recent months, and so on and so forth… but the fact is I’m human, I can only read so fast, and life often gets in the way of the fun stuff. No excuses, simply my reality. I’ve always been honest about the books I love and talk about here at Shifter Haven, and that’s not about to change just because I got behind on stuff.
So. Onto the reviews. 🙂